Benefits of a strong 5G network
Advantages for all
Whether via better service, a sense of security, or economic opportunity—robust networks improve quality of life by connecting our communities.
Mobile connectivity
A stronger network means more freedom and opportunity for all. When it comes to better coverage and faster speeds, everyone wins. Among other things, better connectivity means:

5G for all
At broadband-like speeds, 5G networks have the power to connect millions of people and billions of devices across America, unlocking unlimited possibilities with IoT.

Smart communities

As of 2017, more than 8.3 billion connected devices are in the IoT. That may seem like a lot, but in 2025, it’s projected to be more like 84 billion. 5G is what allows entire cities to be smart in every regard.
Smart communities connect:






Strong networks open the door for communities to develop new systems and efficiencies that drastically improve safety, efficiency, and quality of life.
Smart Community Resources

Smart Cities Checklist
Smart buildings are the foundation for smart cities. Make sure your city is ready to support smart buildings and the innovations of 5G.

Smart Communities Plan for Mobile: 5G & IoT
Preparing for the next generation of wireless technology.

Smart Communities Plan for Mobile: Public Safety
Millions of Americans rely on strong wireless networks for personal and public safety - these services can be a lifeline in times of emergency and disaster.

Economic opportunity
It’s a given that better connectivity is good for business. But many people don’t realize building stronger networks can also create opportunity for the community at large.
new investments from telecom operators
new investments from telecom operators
in economic growth (GDP)

Connecting underserved communities
Communities without easy access to the internet are considered underserved and may lack opportunities because they aren’t as well-connected as others.
A strong network, on the other hand, creates opportunities like telecommuting for work and access to e-learning, which allows community members to acquire new skill sets and certifications.
Ultimately, a strong network can increase employability, earning power, and attract higher paying jobs to areas that aren’t as well-connected, like remote rural communities.
Our multi-spectrum strategy takes advantage of low-band, mid-band, and high-band frequencies to connect more communities across America and bridge the digital divide.
Learn more about how a strong network can create economic opportunity for your community in our resource library.

Our multi-spectrum strategy takes advantage of low-band, mid-band, and high-band frequencies to connect more communities across America and bridge the digital divide.
Learn more about how a strong network can create economic opportunity for your community in our resource library.